Red Light Green Light


Imagine this: you are driving through town and you are coming up on a light that has just turned green. So, you watch the car that was stopped to see when they begin to accelerate yet they are staying at a complete stop. You honk your horn ‘gently’ to alert them but they stay put. You can’t go around because all the other lanes are zooming through the light. That fateful moment comes and the light turns red. You may be a patient person but not being able to get through the light because of one person may cause you to be a bit irritated.

Now take that same example but imagine you are making a life decision: maybe it’s moving to a new location, getting a new job, joining a gym, or deepening a relationship. Life brings many opportunities and transitions but it is a wise choice to first observe what is ahead of you before you make your next step. Many times I have missed great opportunities because I was simply: comfortable. Now as a human being and as a Christian, being comfortable for too long is never a good thing. One reason is because we begin to find security in that setting or circumstance. We slowly build a dependency on this means of security if we are not careful. Then when God presents a new opportunity for growth or blessing we may not even see it or we may be filled with fear because it’s new and may come with many unknowns for the future. Just like the car at the green light, the person was aware that the light was green but simply chose to stay there because they were comfortable.

Let me point out that if you are unwilling to get out of your comfort zone you may possibly put yourself and others in harms way. The car stopped at the green light could have cause themselves and you to be rear ended by someone zooming through the green light. I think that sometimes we don’t realize that our decisions to better ourselves or to take a new opportunity also can affect those around us. For instance, lately I have been reading more health blogs and taking healthy precautions because I want to have energy to spend time with people in my life now but I also want to be healthy and energetic years down the line when I have children. I want to be prepared to care for them and play with them in the backyard. I strongly encourage that you take time to learn and stretch yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, and most importantly spiritually. Take a moment to really comprehend the verse below.

PROVERBS 10:14 “The wise store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invited ruin.”

We will never reach the point of being all knowing, (though I’m sure we have all had those moments of pride or know someone who is a know-it-all), but you should always be ready for the light to turn green when an opportunity for growth presents itself. Please be encouraged that just like traffic lights, God will give you times where you will be in one growth process or stable environment for a period of time just like sitting at a red light. However, you will never know the fullness of the life he has for you if you don’t adhere to when he calls you to be still and when to move.

I encourage you to examine your life and where you spend your time. Do you have designated time where you are growing in your relationship with God, growing in your own character, and growing in relationship with others? Be open to change and be bold to take steps to a better you. Don’t sit in a place of comfort and watch the world pass you by but rather team up with God and allow him to show you the fullness of life he has promised you!

Visit the link below to hear a great tune to lift your mood 🙂

Prince of Peace



In our current society I’m sure we have all had the following conversation.

“Hey how are you?”

“I’m great, just staying busy!”

I highly support taking time to reflect on priorities and doing self assessments but what I want to ask you today is are you practicing peace?

I will be honest and say that I have been that busy bee and quite frankly I still am. However, my life changed when I learned how to practice peace. What exactly is peace? Well many of us relate peace to harmony and the absence of stress. When I think about my busy schedule and all the things that I want to accomplish the first thing I typically feel is a bit overwhelmed.  I am wired as a very goal oriented and driven person so I am generally in task mode 90% of the time. There have been many moments in my life that have led me to the place where I just couldn’t take it anymore. I had my gall bladder removed as a preteen and also went into a period of depression my senior year of high school because of the stress level I continually lived in. I want to testify that there is a God who freely gives peace to those who simply ask for it. The Word says in Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests  be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” 

So how do you practice peace? Well if you are anything like me when I started this, receiving peace was not very simple. It was something I had to learn and practice anytime I felt anxious or overwhelmed. I believe that to practice peace you must first believe that God will give it to you. Secondly, you have to spend time with God in prayer, which means to take a break from the busyness of life and make Him your full focus for that moment. Thirdly, simply thank God for who He is and what He has done for you. Pray from a place of victory, for example: God thank you that even though I’m having a rough day, you have given me peace that surpasses all understanding. This is how you activate your faith even if you don’t see how things could possibly get better. I promise you that in those moments God would shower me with peace that would directly cause my heart to be full of gladness and even my attitude would be completely altered. I was recently rear ended this week by a car that was going very fast. As I recently reflected on the accident I remember waiting for the police to show up and I was humming a worship song to calm my shaking body. Three years ago I was also in an accident but I was a complete wreck emotionally and I did not have peace whatsoever. I cannot help but to chuckle at the completely different person I have become because I have learned to practice peace. I have not yet arrived but this principle has forever changed my life.

Again I ask you, are you practicing peace? Do you need to take a moment to put God as your primary focus and ask him to shower you with peace? Notice that the scripture say that his peace surpasses ALL understanding. I hope that whatever stress or busyness that you are under today that you will practice peace. It is possible!



It’s Time: Here and Now!

As my first blog I want you to know that I have been putting off beginning this for over a year. If you read my bio you will know that I have battled with the fear of not being accepted. I have been overlooked and not heard for most of my life. Growing up I experienced many forms of abuse at home and in the world. So when I was encouraged by a mentor to begin blogging I was bombarded with many doubts and lies of the enemy. The one that challenged me the most was “do you really have anything new to say that someone hasn’t already said”.  As I put a lot of thought into this question I began to receive peace from God. The peace came with a truth that unity within the body of Christ is very vital to present truth to our world. How much greater of an impact would it be if we as Christians were all proclaiming the same message? Think about a sporting event; if there is a few people shouting “BOOOO” and the rest of the stadium is shouting “ONE MORE GOAL” then the majority of the stadium is what will be heard. I want my blogs to encourage and challenge the way you see life. If you read it and the topic is something you have heard before than let it encourage your belief and lifestyle. If it is a new perspective or idea that you have not thought about or lived out in your own life than feel free to challenge it and maybe even experience a new level of personal growth.

I’m so excited that you have decided to join me in this journey so please subscribe to keep up to date with the latest posts. Have a blessed day and may the peace of God be with you!

