It’s Time: Here and Now!

As my first blog I want you to know that I have been putting off beginning this for over a year. If you read my bio you will know that I have battled with the fear of not being accepted. I have been overlooked and not heard for most of my life. Growing up I experienced many forms of abuse at home and in the world. So when I was encouraged by a mentor to begin blogging I was bombarded with many doubts and lies of the enemy. The one that challenged me the most was “do you really have anything new to say that someone hasn’t already said”.  As I put a lot of thought into this question I began to receive peace from God. The peace came with a truth that unity within the body of Christ is very vital to present truth to our world. How much greater of an impact would it be if we as Christians were all proclaiming the same message? Think about a sporting event; if there is a few people shouting “BOOOO” and the rest of the stadium is shouting “ONE MORE GOAL” then the majority of the stadium is what will be heard. I want my blogs to encourage and challenge the way you see life. If you read it and the topic is something you have heard before than let it encourage your belief and lifestyle. If it is a new perspective or idea that you have not thought about or lived out in your own life than feel free to challenge it and maybe even experience a new level of personal growth.

I’m so excited that you have decided to join me in this journey so please subscribe to keep up to date with the latest posts. Have a blessed day and may the peace of God be with you!




2 thoughts on “It’s Time: Here and Now!

  1. May God bless you, thanks for sharing. Just so amazing that God can give us perfect peace when our minds are fixed on Him.
    By the way I belong to NBC and know Simon

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