Lead By Serving


Lead by Serving

Leadership. This is truly a word that is interpreted in some many forms and fashions. I want to use this blog post to take some time to share what I have learned about Servant Leadership. I have chosen this type of leadership because I have seen it in action and it is very effective.

It may not come as a shock to you but I would like to first point out a major characteristic of how Jesus lead. Mark 10:45 says “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” I think that we can find similarities in the culture of Jesus’ time as well as our current circumstances. We are all familiar with the viewpoint of a Dog eat Dog world where one person must over power others to survive. Also, I think it is fair to examine the characteristics of leaders who lose sight of moral and ethical viewpoints when they allow their power to rule over them.

I think that it is very beneficial to consider leading by serving as a way to benefit you and those affected by your influence. Also, it prevents pride and promotes a lifestyle of humility. In your own time I would certainly encourage you to search and study the words: leadership, pride, humility, and service.

So what does a Servant Leader look like and what can we develop in ourselves to become one?

The leader is not only looking out for their own benefit but rather sees a bigger picture. Wikipedia actually states it very well. At heart, the individual is a servant first, making the conscious decision to lead in order to better serve others, not to increase their own power. The objective is to enhance the growth of individuals in the organization and increase teamwork and personal involvement.

I have personally been so blessed to meet great leaders especially through my church community. In 2012 I met Pastor Seth Ready, a true servant leader. Shout out as we celebrate his birthday this week! During 2012 our church didn’t have a sustaining ministry for young adults to be apart of. Seth and his wife Nirva have truly done an amazing work at creating a community of young adults that is authentic and real. Our Sub30 Ministry is a community where I feel so loved, accepted, and yet challenged to become all that I was created to be. To create this type of environment is not an easy thing to do and simply could not have been done by sheer effort to be “popular, relatable, and showy.” There are many characteristics of Seth’s servant leadership that have made an impact on my life, not only as I see myself but also how I see and treat others. Part of being a servant leader is simply allowing others to have an input or voice on how to improve or adjust how things are done. He spent about a year teaching and training leaders before we actually launched weekly services and more events as a ministry. Seth then developed a core team of committed leaders and meets with them on a weekly basis to make collective decisions on the details of how the ministry operates. This has given core leaders and volunteers the ability to serve in their full potential and have a sense of ownership and belonging. Seth is also very aware of what people are going through in their lives, outside of the nights we have church services. He takes time to get to know where people are at in their life and really prepares messages that are beneficial for all who are apart of this community. There is such a consistency in our ministry of people living life together, serving together, and growing together as a result of Servant Leadership.

When people feel that they are important and cared for they are most likely to respond with respect. What better way to lead than to put others first. A Servant Leader is humble, selfless, empathetic, and genuine. Let this blog and Seth’s example of how to lead by serving encourage you to put others first. It’s not about what you can gain from it but rather what you give for the sake of others gain. I promise you serving is much more rewarding than being a dictator. We were made to live together in harmony, to encourage and build up one another. If you want to be a successful leader take the time to develop servant like qualities and watch your sphere of influence react with positive change. Serve on brothers and sisters, Serve On.


PS check out a special mix Seth & Nirva’s recently released.



God’s Not Dead: My Journey to the Holy Land


Wow, where has the time gone! We are already in April and so much has happened since my last post in the beginning of February. This blog post is dedicated to recap my experience to Israel that happened the last two weeks of February. Let me start off by saying that if you do or do not believe in the life of Jesus Christ, your life WILL be impacted by going to Israel.

I am beyond thankful to my employer: Educational Opportunities Tours for such a meaningful trip. So if you’re ready, continue reading but rather take a journey with me as I recap. I enjoyed the first few days staying in the Northern part of Israel while lodging near the Sea of Galilee. The best part of starting a journey in the Northern part of the country is that you really experience more of the natural landscape. Because of this, when you are going to historical, archeological, and biblical sites you are able to better imagine what it was like during the life of Jesus. We took a breathtaking boat ride on the Sea of Galilee where I reflected on the many stories where Jesus ministered and made relationships. It really took me a day or so to really fathom that I was in “The Holy Land”.


While in the Northern part, we went to sites such as Capernaum, the mount of Beatitudes, the site of feeding the 5000, and a beautiful baptismal site at the Jordan River. While at the Jordan River I saw many groups from all over the world having baptism services. In our group, we took some time to remember our own baptisms. For me, I recalled being in middle school and really desiring the fullness of life promised in The Bible. As I looked around I saw a young paralyzed boy dressed in a white robe being carried into the river by a pastor. He proceeded to talk to him and then submerged him into the river. I was so touched by this that I began to thank God for this young boys’ life and asked God to bless him to do many things to further the kingdom of Christ. I was so overwhelmed with emotions but yet I felt the Holy Spirit so presently alive in me as I prayed for that boy.

In moments like that I cannot deny that God exists because I experienced God’s heart for others through the amount of compassion that overflowed inside me.


The second half of the trip we stayed in Jerusalem which is more in the center of the country. During those five days or so we visited a lot of sites such as: Jericho, Bethlehem, the Upper Room, Mt of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, and even traced Jesus’ last few days of life. Every site we went to the guides would share the archeological evidence that supports what the Bible says. It is so surreal to walk where Jesus walked and to have so many visuals to remember. There were many moments where I put away my camera and really took in what I was experiencing. I can honestly say that going to these places that credit the life of Christ has truly given my faith another firm foundation. I read scripture differently now that I can visualize the places I went to and understand the history and geography better.

There were so many people visiting from all over the planet to see for themselves what it is they have heard and read about it this Jesus fellow. The unity and body of Christ is so much bigger than just our own family or our local church. It is worldwide! I would strongly encourage everyone to travel to Israel at some point in their life. Jesus lived, died, and rose from the grave; Hallelujah to the risen savior!


p.s. This is just a portion of my experiences in the Holy Land so if you want to know more just ask.